

Contact Detail

121 King Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia

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    Launch Your Website with iHostRight

    From professional businesses to large enterprises, we have you covered!

    Our services simplify domain registration, hosting, and management for you or others, offering an easy and affordable solution because the internet needs people.



    Hosting Services

    • Shared Hosting
    • WordPress Hosting
    • VPS Hosting
    • VPS Cloud Hosting
    • Dedicated Servers
    • Offshore Hosting
    • Managed Offshore VPS
    • Offshore Dedicated Server Economy
    • Offshore Dedicated Server Business
    • Offshore Dedicated Hypervisor
    • Offshore Server Co-location
    • Budget Offshore Hosting
    • Strongbolt Offshore Hosting
    • WordPress Offshore Hosting
    • Tomcat Hosting
    • E-Commerce Hosting
    • Windows Hosting
    • Anonymous Hosting
    • Bitcoin Hosting
    • Forex Virtual Private Server
    • Virtual Private Server
    • Virtual Offshore Office
    • ADV Virtual Private Server

    Email Hosting

    • Private Email Hosting
    • Professional Emails
    • Strongbolt Email Hosting

    Server Add-Ons

    • Server OS & Control Panel
    • Dedicated Server Add-On
    • Server Auction
    • Colocation
    • Storage Boxes
    • Cloud
    • Custom Solutions

     VIP Services

    • VIP Managed Services

    Reseller Services

    • Domain Reseller
    • Plesk / cPanel Reseller
    • DirectAdmin Reseller
    • Master / Alpha Reseller
    • Reseller with Root Access
    • Tomcat JSP Reseller


    Website and Design Services

    • Build a Website
    • Hire a Designer
    • Pro Design Live
    • Web Design

     Marketing and SEO Services

    • Hire a Social Media Manager
    • Marketing Services
    • Digital Marketing
    • Managed SEO Service
    • Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

     Additional Services

    • Fix Hacked Website


    • Link-in-bio
    • Marketplace
    • Build a Website

    Migration Services


    • Our Blog
    • Newsletter
    • Knowledgebase
    • Downloads


    Contact and Support

    • Contact Us
    • Submit Ticket
    • Send us Feedback

    Make Money

    • Become An Affiliate
    • Affiliate Portal


    • About Us
    • Acquisition
    • Data Centre & Network
    • Media Assets
    • Pricing
    • Partner with Us
    • Customer Reviews
    • Academy
    • Terms of Service
    • Privacy